Combining Cloud Storage

December 14, 2023

[avatar user="Jamie Poindexter" size="thumbnail" align="left" link="attachment" /]byJamie Poindexter|Nov 4, 2020|Jamie's Tech Corner,Our blogIf you have more than 1 cloud storage such as One Drive and Drop Box you may want to give a Unified Cloud service a try. These services allow you to link other services together to access them all in one spot. Instead of having each of the cloud services apps installed or vistiting each site when you need a file you can access everything in that app or site. One such service is ODrive -

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Odrive is a free service with a pro-option that allows linking of 20+ services together accessible from there own app or the website. Popular services such as One Drive, Google Drive and Drop Box are supported and even Facebook or Slack. Even better you can link each of the services for home and work. So, if you have a home account for Dropbox and a work provided one you can access both without signing in and out to access.The Windows app is a great replacement to the apps provided by the cloud service. Instead of having several sync apps running on your PC taking up valuable memory and processing power you can have just and not loose access to your date. The app allows copying share links directly to the clipboard to send to colleagues or friends. You can even password protect each file or folder.

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The sync client also works like most in that files in the cloud are not downloaded to the PC unless you choose to do so. The app instead creates placeholders that download the files on demand. So if you have files or folders that are not used often there is no need to have them taking up space on the PC. The files are always accessible in the cloud and when accessed from the app it will download them locally to the PC.

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The app can even release the space of a downloaded file back to the cloud on demand or automatically to turn it back into a placeholder.This is just a small list of features for the service. Check them at