Exclude Accounts from Outlook Notifications

December 14, 2023

[avatar user="Jamie Poindexter" size="thumbnail" align="left" link="attachment" /]byJamie Poindexter|Jun 23, 2021|Jamie's Tech Corner,Our blogIf you have more than 1 email that you monitor in Outlook you may want to only receive notifications from the main account you use but still have the ability to access and view emails in another account. A example might be a support email that you need to check up on but don’t want to be constantly getting notified each time a email comes in.The first step is to turn off notifications globally for all accounts in Outlook. We will then create a rule to enable them for the accounts we choose. To do this go to file->options.Choose mail from the left side and you will see the below option. Uncheck this and click ok.

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Now we can create our rule, go to rules->manage rule and alerts.

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Choose New Rule

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We want this rule to apply to all incoming emails. Choose the option at the bottom.

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We don’t need to specify any conditions so choose next and then yes to confirm

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For the action choose display a desktop alert.

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The next screen is for exceptions, here we will choose the account we do not want to get alerted for.

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Name the rule and make sure its enabled and click finish.

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That is it! Now you will still get alerting for all account that you have setup except the one you specified in the rule. If you need to disable this temporarily you can always uncheck the rule to disable it.