Using Power Automate to Save MFP Scans to SharePoint

December 14, 2023

[avatar user="Jamie Poindexter" size="thumbnail" align="left" link="file" /]by Jamie Poindexter | May 26, 2022 | Jamie's Tech Corner, Our blogUsing Power Automate you can setup an MFP scanner or other email capable device to email attachments to a specified email account on the domain and it will save the attachment to a folder you pick on SharePoint.You will need a licensed email account preferably that is only used for this purpose. It is possible to specify a keywork for the subject that you can then setup on the scanner so only emails from it are processed. This way it could be a shared email used for other purposes.We will be using a pre-built template so go to and make sure you are signed in with the admin email. You might be asked to assign the power automate license as well.Click on templates on the left

Search for "save my email attachment to SharePoint document library" and click on the template that appears

Check the permission at the bottom. Make sure the Outlook one is signed in using the account that is licensed and will be receiving the emails from the scanner or other device

You can change the account by clicking the 3 dots and add account.Once its green, click on continue to open the template.Expand the top section and choose the folder that will be monitored for the incoming email. This will likely be inbox

In the TO box enter the same email that will be receiving the emails.

If you want to specify a subject such as "scanned from X" you can enter that as well, but a dedicated email can be left blank to apply to all emails that come in with attachments.Scroll down and to the left. Choose the SharePoint site and folder you want to save the files to

Do the same thing on the section on the right as well. Save the template when done.Click on my flows to view the template. You can go back to edit and use the test button at the top as well to see if it works. Once you click test go ahead and send an email to the account with a attachment and it should be processed and you will see the test complete.

Now you just need to setup an address book entry on the MFP to scan to that email address.