Fixing RDP issues in Windows 11

December 14, 2023

Microsoft has confirmed a bug in the Windows 11 22H2 that is causing issues with users using remote desktop to access other devices. It seems to be affecting servers utilizing broker or gateway servers and simple connections not using those should not be affected. The bug is happening regardless of the OS version or patching of the host server that is being remoted into. The fix is to disable UDP using group policy.Press WinKey + R to open the run box and type in gpedit.msc

Go to Go to "Computer Configuration" -> "Administrative Templates" -> "Windows Components" -> "Remote Desktop Services" -> "Remote Desktop Connection Client".

Double click on the “Turn off UDP On Client” and choose enable.

Go back to the run prompt and type in “gpupdate /force” this will open a black command prompt briefly and then it should close on its own. This will apply the policy change and you can attempt to reconnect to the host server, and it should work.Alternative method via registry edit:Alternatively, you can make this change as well through regedit.Open the run prompt and type in regedit and click ok.Navigate to HKLMSOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindows NTTerminal ServicesClient

Right click the blank space on the right panel and choose New->DWORD value

Name the value “fClientDisableUDP” and press enter. Double click on the new value and set it to 1 to disable.

Reboot to apply the changes and try reconnecting again to RDP.