WCNC News Interviews Sterling Technology Solutions CEO, Tom Blanchard, About Website Data Tracking

January 20, 2020

WCNC News Interviews Sterling Technology Solutions CEO, Tom Blanchard, About Website Data Tracking

Websites that track users’ data, even children’s data, is becoming a hot topic.  It’s very common for a website to track shopping habits & other user information.  Sometimes such tracking come with the consent of the user & sometimes without.  Often, users grant consent to have their own data tracked, stored & even sold by clicking OK to a very lengthy terms of service agreement.  Users typically scroll through such agreements and blindly click OK.  What users often fail to realize is that by clicking OK, they are agreeing to have their data tracked, stored & sold.User data is an extremely valuable commodity in today’s technology age.  Have you ever been shopping for a particular product on a random website only to find that same product appears in the advertising on your social media site?  This type of tracking is extremely common, but what about tracking such information for children?Additional concerns center around who actually owns user data like shopping habits.  You, as the user, created that data.  Big technology websites just track it and store it.  Does this give them rights to sell it?  Do you, as the user, have the rights to this data and therefore deserve compensation if it’s sold?Check out the video above to see our CEO, Tom Blanchard, discuss some of these topics.If you have a business and are interested in learning more about how you can increase security, contact us today.Sterling Technology Solutions focuses on IT Security& Cyber Security prevention and remediation for our Managed Services Clients as well as One-Time Projects.  Your data security is only as secure as your network.

 Let the Sterling Team give you a free consultation.  

Contact us today at (704) 271-5001 or email us at inquiries@sterling-technology.com for a free consultation.  To learn more about our Managed Services and Who We Are, click here!

Sterling Technology Solutions - Your Last IT Service Provider.  Since 2003, our mission has been to help other North Carolina and South Carolina businesses succeed through Technology. Our ultimate goal is to help you maximize your business’ profitability and success through our innovative, managed IT solutions.